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Heart Shaped Anniversary Cake

A well designed heart shaped anniversary cake decorated with fresh cream flowers. Customizable in the flavor you love the most like chocolate, vanilla, mango, oreo cookies, nuttela, lemon curd and many more with egg and eggless option. Place your order for heart shaped anniversary cake and get home delivery within Kolkata.


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Select Flavour


Cake Type


Storage Instructions: Keep refrigerated and consume within 5 days. Store it in an airtight container to maintain the freshness.
Delivery: Customised cakes and theme cakes may or may not have same day delivery. Cakes are delicate items and is not delivered using Swiggy, Zomato, Uber etc. While some small sized cakes are delivered on bike using our assigned delivery team who are trained specially for cake delivery, bigger cakes may require delivery using four-wheeler AC car. Delivery rates are charged on per km basis and will need to be paid at the time of delivery. Our store location is Deshopriyo Park. Delivery slots will be assigned upon order confirmation via payment with minimum 5 hours if on same day.
Order Instructions: Customised cakes should be pre-ordered minimum 2 days in advance. Same day delivery possible on cream-based cakes if ordered within 11A.M. where delivery is expected by evening. Wedding Cakes and Multi-Tiered Cakes requires 3 to 5 days to pre-order. Call or WhatsApp us on 9830341866. We can confirm and take your order. If cake is ordered on wrong date where pre-order is necessary, refund of amount may not be possible.
Rahul Sounth Kolkata
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Great taste and quick delivery.

Shilpa Das Kolkata
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Delicious cake, nicely presented, totally worth it. Thanks for baking on my birthday!

Niladri Kundu Kolkata
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Excellent cake , quality and looks as per professional baker...