Home Indoor Plants Care for Plant in Summer

Care for Plant in Summer

plant care

Plants needs lot of care during summer season when there is excessive heat. In hot weather, the soil tends to dry out rapidly, potentially leading to plant wilting. Water the plants thoroughly but less frequently, allowing the roots to absorb ample water. Deep watering encourages root growth and helps plants withstand heat stress more effectively. It’s also very effective to relocate your plants during the hottest part of the day to shaded areas as direct sunlight can cause leaf scorching and excessive heat absorption which may not be good for your plant. If the shaded area is limited you can use curtains or lightweight sheets to create a sheltered environment, protecting the plants from intense sunlight. It is also advised to avoid fertilizing your houseplants during high temperatures as they may not be able to absorb fertilizer effectively.

Plants face challenges adapting to the warmer climate specially during the summer heat. So, it’s crucial to implement some strategies for the betterment of the plants during summer. Such strategies would help your houseplants survive the heat while maintaining their health and vitality. At Cakes and Bakes we not only provide house plants for all seasons but also help you with plant well-being information to take care of your plants.

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