Home Flowers Choose the Right Bridal Flower Bouquet

Choose the Right Bridal Flower Bouquet

bridal flower bouquet

Your bridal flowers bouquet is one of the most important parts in your overall bridal image, serving as the ultimate compliment to your wedding dress. While choosing the perfect bridal bouquet is crucially important, it can also be a big challenge. Which flowers should you use? How many types of flowers should you include? What colours should be in your bouquet? How big shall it be? And the list goes on.

A bridal bouquet made up of just one type of flower can have a stunning effect. Simply arrange your flowers and tie them with some nice string or ribbon for a simple, yet feminine and elegant look. Peonies, Daisies, Roses are some you can choose from for single type of flower. If your wedding is during summer then it’s the perfect season of bright and bursting colours. So, you can try mixing a variety of colourful flowers to create a bold beautiful bouquet for a bold and beautiful bride. Various coloured roses, lavender, daisies, yellow rice flowers, and greenery combine to make a stunning wedding bouquet.

Ultimately, your bridal bouquet must reflect the season of your wedding. Having seasonal flowers will not only ensure that your flowers are fresh and emit a beautiful fragrance, but it also means that your wedding will have an aesthetically pleasing seasonal look. Another benefit of seasonal flowers is that they are cheaper than off-season flowers, which is great for those operating on a budget. Imagine having a summer wedding and then seeing your wedding flowers bloom each summer in your local natural surroundings, reminding you of your special day – nature’s perfect anniversary gift. If your wedding is just around the corner feel free to contact us at Cakes and Bakes and order elegant wedding cake and bridal flower bouquet.

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