Home Indoor Plants Common Pests that Affect Indoor Plants

Common Pests that Affect Indoor Plants

indoor plant pest

Even the best plant parents deal with pests sometimes which affect the indoor plants. Those creepy-crawlies can sneak in and ruin everything if you don’t catch them fast and deal with the right pest control. At times these creepy crawlies might be munching on your leafy pals but you need to worry as these tiny terrors have common names – spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects, thrips, fungus gnats, and aphids. So, once you recognize the enemy, you can pick the right weapon. Natural stuff like neem oil spray or soapy water can do the trick, but sometimes you might need a stronger potion. Check your plants regularly, isolate any sickly ones, and keep things clean and tidy. Those pesky bugs won’t stand a chance. Let’s look at the most common invaders and how to kick their little bug butts.

Most bugs are treatable if you catch them early. You need to isolate the plant so keep infested plants away from healthy ones to stop the spread. Get rid of badly damaged leaves. A soft cloth with a bit of soapy water works on sturdy leaves. Now you can attack the creepy crawlies with some natural spray. Neem oil is your friend here! Insecticidal soap works too. Always follow the instructions carefully before you use it on the plants. Blasting them with water as Aphids hate a good shower. You can also sticky traps for those flying pests. Pests are frustrating, but with a bit of knowledge, you can save your plants. At Cakes and Bakes we provide varieties of indoor and outdoor plants. Feel free to connect us and we would happy to offer our support to you.

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