Home Indoor Plants Indoor Plants Care after Shipping

Indoor Plants Care after Shipping

indoor plant care

Indoor Plants need time to adjust to their new home. So, after your indoor plant arrived at your home, don’t be surprised if it’s a bit grumpy after its travels, even if the delivery was swift. This blog will give you a basic knowledge to troubleshoot problems if you notice after your indoor plant got delivered. To help them settle in, gradually introduce them to the new light, temperature and humidity levels. With a bit of care and keeping an eye on them, your plant will be feeling right at home in no time and ready to thrive! You should avoid harsh midday sun for your indoor plants after they arrived.

Buying indoor plant from Cakes and Bakes is always exciting. We know you want it to feel right at home, and that takes a bit of extra care in those first few weeks. Even with our careful selection, speedy delivery, and eco-friendly packaging, the journey to your house can be a bit stressful for a plant. A gentle approach and a bit of patience will help it adjust quickly and look its absolute best. After the indoor plant delivery carefully remove your plant and give it a close look. Think about the light your specific plant needs. Avoid blasting it with harsh sunlight at the beginning – those delicate leaves need time to adjust. Every plant is different! Some need to dry out between watering, while others like consistent moisture. Stick your finger in the soil to check if it needs water. Aim for average room temperatures as none like extremes, and plants are the same. Look for signs for good or bad as plants can’t talk. A bit of drooping or yellowing leaves is normal at first. But if it gets worse after a few weeks, double-check its light, water and humidity needs. Small adjustments usually do the trick.

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