Home Indoor Plants Pet Friendly Indoor Plants

Pet Friendly Indoor Plants


Being a plant lover AND having pets shouldn’t be a struggle. Choosing the right plants makes a huge difference. There are loads of gorgeous houseplants that are totally safe for pets. Think lush ferns, quirky ponytail palms, and the ever-popular spider plants with their playful trailing leaves. But you should also keep in mind that not all plants are created equal.

There are plants that play nice with pets. Trailing leaves like spider plants are fun for cats without being harmful. Some prayer plants where leaves fold up at night like they are praying are also totally pet safe. Lush and fluffy Boston Ferns, without any hidden nasties are just a bonus for curious nibblers since it is good for pet skin in winter. Parlor Palms bring some elegant tropical vibes to a shady corner, without worrying about your pet taking a sneaky bite. On the other side, sadly, some of our favourite plants contain hidden dangers for pets like snake plants, monsteras, philodendrons, aloe vera to name a few. Still If your pet eats any plant, you’re not sure about, don’t rely on Google – just call the vet! They can tell you if immediate action is needed.

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