Home Indoor Plants Stop the Plant Leaves Dropping

Stop the Plant Leaves Dropping

leaf drop

Are the leaves dropping from your plants? Seeing leaves drop is stressful, especially if you’re new to plants. The good news is, most of the time it’s fixable, and your plant isn’t trying to upset you. Dropping leaves on plants is a common problem. You need to figure out the actual reason of unhappiness of your plants and just fix it. That could mean how often you water, giving it a humidifier-pal, finding a brighter or shadier corner, or tackling those creepy bugs. By understanding what your plant needs, you can keep those leaves where they belong – on the plant!

It is often observed that watering turns to be the main culprit for causing leaf drop. Sometimes over-watering, roots get mushy, plant basically drowns and hence the leaves fall off. On the other hand, under-watering, it is noticed that leaves turn crispy that crumble easily showing a sign of thirst. Some popular plants need higher humidity than the average home. Too little plant food also causes the plant to drop their leaves hence a gradual move closer to a window often helps them to stop shedding leaves. Some creepy bugs need to be identified before you select the right pest control for your plants.

Now you know WHY your plants dropping leaves?  So, let’s get those leaves growing back! Always remember wrong treatment can make things worse. It is very important to identify the right cause and then act on it. Taking care of your plants provides relief to your heart and shows the love you have for your plants. It’s all about finding the right balance and providing individualized care. At Cakes and Bakes we not only provide house plants for all seasons but also help you with plant well-being information to take care of your plants.

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